Friday, December 16, 2011

Redos-Chrisanne Hernandez

Assignment 6
Assignment 7
Assignment 9

Redos, Ashley Grace

Assignment 10 Line Up:

Assignment 9 Captain Bill:

Assignment 8 Heads:
Assignment 6 Elrond:

Assignment 4 Heads:
Bilbo Heads:
Elrond Heads:
Assignment 3 Smog and Thorin:



Assignment 2 Silhouettes:

Thorin Oakenshield

Heads - Josh Cotton

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Josh Cotton Assignment 10

Kim Bennett-Final Project

Lineup: Cheetoad, Lee Sands the explorer kid, Mouse-moose, and the legendary turtle-monkey. 

Assignment 8 Redo - Rebecca Jones

Redos - Rebecca Jones

Sorry, the scans are so poopy! Thanks for a great class Jake!

Assignment 3 Redo- Alyssa Barker

Sorry they didn't scan very well. I had to use a library scanner since the print lab was closed.  But I think these are better than the originals!

Redos - Melissa Manwill

Assignments 3 and 6 redo :)
 Assignment 7 - you wanted me to have a side pose so that it had a clearer silhouette and you wanted both feet flat on the ground so that the ankle joints were similar. I think you also wanted the head in 3/4 rather than straight on. So here he is!

Character Lineup Revision- Alyssa Barker

Character Line Up Revision - Ashleigh Gillen

Hooray! It's done! Well, sort of. I wanted to make them all to the level of the girl on the right, but alas, I have run out of time. I will certainly be finishing them all to that stage, but I wont be able to before tomorrow. Thanks for a great semester everyone! It was really fun getting to know you all and see your progression :) Please try to keep in touch! If we aren't facebook friends yet, we should be! Oh yeah, I almost forgot to say my characters are from a personal project that I hope to do for a book. It's the fairy tale of the Seven Swans. Some people know it as the Seven Ravens, but it's basically that story :) Happy Holidays!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Snow Queen Line Up

Man I didn't realize that hair and fur was so hard to color...will finish this soon promise! Finals are a killer.

Assignment 10 - Josh Cotton

Assignment 10 - Melissa Manwill

Ta da!
These guys go along with a story that I made up. The main character, Mata (who I didn't have time to add since 4 characters were plenty), is a young boy in a tribe in Africa. He's young and overlooked. Desperate for attention or recognition, he runs away from home to kill the mighty beast named Isoba (the lion). Along his journey, he meets Sango the gemsbok, Jelani the tortoise, and Obi the crane. Each one teaches him an important lesson: Sango teaches wisdom, Jelani teaches patience, and Obi teaches love. Mata realizes he doesn't need fame and glory to be loved: his family already loves him. He realizes he just needs patience to grow up, and wisdom before he can make it on his own. So he returns home to his family.

Rebecca Jones - Assignment 10

Assignment 10, Alycia Call

Character Line Up - Ashleigh Gillen

Assignment 10, Ashley Grace
